If you have a medical concern that requires professional medical attention, you have a number of choices depending on your need and availability:
Family Doctor
- For non-emergency health issues
- Offers consistent service from the same doctor each visit
- If your host family has a family doctor, they may be able to arrange for you to see them. Otherwise, many family doctors do not accept new patients
- Office hours are usually during the work day
Walk-in Clinic
- For non-emergency health issues
- You will be served by whatever doctor is available
- Often open evenings and weekends – call to check times and book an appointment
- Often your best option for convenience and accessibilty
Hospital Emergency Room
- For serious or life-threatening condition or injury
- You cannot schedule a visit
- Depending on the severity of your concern, you may need to wait several hours
- If it is not an emergency, use this as your last resort (i.e. middle of the night)
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